Why not head along to the Dodder gathering this weekend (April 1st and 2nd) at The Hive, Herbert Park. The event is a fun, free and educational way to enjoy the river Dodder and all it has to offer. INVAS Biosecurity will be on hand to answer any questions you may...

The Dodder Gathering
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Why not head along to the Dodder gathering this weekend (April 1st and 2nd) at The Hive, Herbert Park. The event is a fun, free and educational way to enjoy the river Dodder and all it has to offer.
INVAS Biosecurity will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding invasive species and their impacts on the Dodder catchment. There will be a wide range of expertise with Birdwatch Ireland, the Irish Wildlife Trust , An Taisce, the Water and Communities Office and the Herpetological Society of Ireland in attendance along with several other groups on Saturday.
There will be activities, displays and talks on throughout the two days providing hours of excitement and information.
There will be a wide range of expertise with Birdwatch Ireland, the Irish Wildlife Trust , An Taisce, the Water and Communities Office and the Herpetological Society of Ireland in attendance

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